Individuals with autism and related disabilities frequently require specialized services and support. The Center for Autism & Related Disabilities is a network of state-funded outreach and support centers based at universities around the state. In South Florida, the main center is at the University of Miami. The center at Nova Southeastern University is a satellite of CARD and was established in 1999 to serve the community in Broward County.

NSU Satellite Office

Carole Zangari, Ph.D. 

Dr. Zangari has been a professor of Speech-Language Pathology (SLP) at Nova Southeastern University since 1994. She joined the NSU CARD Satellite in 2014 and currently serves as its Executive Director. Dr. Zangari earned her master's degree in SLP from the College of New Jersey and her doctoral degree in Special Education from Purdue University. She is involved in the Language Links group with Lori Wise and runs the CARD Communication and Autism Network for SLPs who work with nonverbal or minimally verbal individuals with autism and related disabilities. Her primary area of expertise is in augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) and the development of literacy skills in individuals with ASD and other developmental disabilities. She blogs at

Luis Grana, M.S.

Mr. Luis Grana is the Director of the NSU Satellite Office. He earned his B.A. in Psychology from the University of Central Florida and his M.S. in Mental Health Counseling from Nova Southeastern University. He has worked with individuals with ASD and their families for over 20 years in various capacities. Mr. Grana has held several different positions at CARD for 16 years. He currently runs the Family Support group at the Nova CARD office.

Lori Wise, M.S.

Lori is the Coordinator of Clinical and Educational Services at CARD. She holds Florida teaching certificates in the areas of Special Education and Reading.

Susan Lepri, M.S. 

Susan graduated from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey where she completed her B.S. in Psychology in 2010. She continued her education at Nova Southeastern University where she graduated summa cum laude in 2013 with an M.S. in Developmental Disabilities and a concentration in Applied Behavior Analysis.

Maria A. Silva, Ph.D.

Maria completed her Ph.D. in Teaching & Learning in 2024, her B.A. in Exceptional Student Education at Miami-Dade College in 2007 and her M.S. in Elementary Special Education from Florida International University in 2011. She worked as a Special Education Teacher in MDCPS for 15 years. Most recently, she earned her Ed.S. in Special Education in 2022 from FIU and is currently a Doctoral Candidate, focusing her research on autism spectrum disorders.

Sofia Rodriguez

Sofia Rodriguez

Sofia Rodriguez is a sophomore at Nova Southeastern University and is a part of the Razors Edge Shark Teach program, aspiring to be a Speech-Language Pathologist. She enjoys learning, growing, and connecting with diverse populations. She has previous experience volunteering in various settings that support individuals with autism spectrum disorder. She envisions working with pediatric patients, particularly in the areas of AAC, dysphasia, and bilingualism.

