Adult Services

Support for Employment

Job SEEKers

Job SEEKers is a four week long intensive employment readiness program being offered to adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The goal of the program is to help prepare adults with ASD for competitive employment. Topics include: Resume, Disclosure, Dressing for Success, Social Skills, Searching for Jobs, and Interview Practice. This is not a job placement program.

Job Club

Job club is a monthly support group to help people who are looking for work or are employed. The group supports autistic adults in learning the skills needed to find and keep a job. This includes social skills, job searching, networking, resume writing, interviewing skills, and more. This group is for registered CARD constituents who are 18 years old and over and out of high school. Participant must be interested in employment and be able to participate in two-way group discussion via a virtual platform. This is not a job placement program. Screening is required.
